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About Roskill Supply Co

A lockdown idea that took off.

We’d thought about it for years.

Like you, we were fed up with paying good money for big-brand products that were of average quality and didn't last.

But life gets in the way and makes it hard to commit to stuff.

Then, lockdown happened.


Being stuck inside was boring. And the devil makes work for idle minds.

We used that time to look into what it would take to design and make clothes right here in Aotearoa. After months of research and planning, we had to commit.

We ordered 300m of denim from the Candiani mill in Italy.

There was no going back.


We started our journey in the clothing industry with zero experience, aiming to create a range of well-designed, high-quality clothes, all made locally. Our lack of industry knowledge has become a strength. It means we approach things differently from other more established brands. We run Roskill the way we think a company should be run, aiming to create the kind of brand we would want to support. We've learned a lot and have only been able to do that by partnering with the most incredible and talented people in the industry.


Supporting local manufacturers.

All our products are made right here in Aotearoa, New Zealand.

We design the clothes, source the materials and then work with local craftspeople to get them made.


Quality and Low impact.

More than just buzzwords. It's in everything we do. From materials to design, business model to supply chain decisions. 

At every step and for every component we have gone with the highest quality. No corners cut.

We are tiny and can only do small batches. But we use this to our advantage, minimising waste and maximising turnover.



We are completely self-funded. No shareholders. No loans.

We are small but we can keep control. No one is on our back. 


If that sounds like a bit of you. Follow along.

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